Saturday, April 3, 2010

Homemade Laundry Detergent

I got an email from Money Saving Mom about making your own laundry soap and I was very interested in doing so since I hate having to buy laundry soap because of the expense. This recipe comes out to be just a penny or two a load and I am hopeful it works just as well as the other stuff. Here is the recipe I used. It makes about 64 loads worth.

It smells nice and it was super easy to make. Levi helped me by grating the soap. BTW I bought all my pots and measuring cups at a thrift store so I don't have to use the ones we use for cooking. Here are some pictures and I will be sure to follow up with how it works on washing our clothing.

Grating the soap:

Melting it down with the other ingredients

Stirring in the rest of the water

Me looking not so cute

The finished product with our 1/2 cup measure cup on top, one for each load.

There are other recipes on how to make powder detergents but I was worried they wouldn't dissolve very well in cold water. I also heard using liquid detergent isn't good if you have hard water.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Bread Making Thursday

As some of you may know that Thursday is my bread making day and my bread turned out so great I had to take a picture.