It has been a long time since I have posted, I promise I haven't forgotten about this blog, but boy have I been busy. I have had a lot of little trials that have taken up most of my time and haven't been able to be very creative. I am pregnant with a little girl and she takes up most of my energy, she has quite a personality and moves quite abruptly. I'm a night person and so is she so that has been fun to not be the only one up at night. She is the kind of baby that moves and someone sitting across the room could see my belly rumble. I am working on making her a baby quilt and am excited to get her nursery put together. I have been blessed to recieve lots of clothes from friends, a crib, and I am borrowing some gear from another friend. It is nice to know people care about me and my baby, and though I have a ways to go I can't wait until she gets here. I always thought I would have three kids, but this little girl is working hard on being my youngest. This pregnancy is hard on me but I am excited for our new bundle of joy due mid March.
Here is the latest and greatest for me, I got my long awaited hot cocoa machine, and it is everything I hoped it would be. I need to have some friends over to really test it out but I have enjoyed a cup or two over the last few days.
This is an awful picture of me, with my double chin and all, but can't you see the joy in my eyes:)
I also got a laminator and I am excited about all the things I need to laminate. I will be again making a pre-made scrapbook for my little girl and got the album now...lots to do but now to find the energy and motivation...nesting stage come soon!