Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year Resolutions

Here are my new year resolutions that I will hopefully following through with and try to become a better person this year than I was last year.

1. 30 Minutes of Church Study
10 minutes any scripture study
5 minutes Book of Mormon Study
5 minutes of any other kind of church study
5-10 minutes of Journal writing

2. Scrapbook Birthday Cards
Make and send a Birthday card for each of our immediate family members

3. No T.V. except while at the gym exercising

4. Lose two more pounds and maintain my life time status at WW

5. Write one story about my life per month and send a copy to my sister Julie


Julie said...

Great goals! I look forward to sending stories to each other.

Julie said...

Great job on meeting your weight loss goal as well! I'm so proud of you!